Flash Fiction

"What's the use in being a disgrace to the world of wizards if they don't even pay you well for it?"
- Lucius Malfoy
"Disgrace does not consist in the punishment, but in the crime."

-Vittorio Alfieri

Flash Fiction

    Rain poured down on the land. Trees rustling violently against a newly formed storm. Richard was sitting under a tree, his knees drawn to his chest, his head resting on his knees. He sits there ignoring the fact of the storm.
    His mind was racing on what he had done. He was always held with high respect in his village, and within his own family. He followed the rules of his family; of the village. Though in a couple of minutes he had let his anger get the best of him. He disgraced himself, and the future of his family.
    Richard looked up to see a figure walking towards him. The figure walked closer. It was Jason, Richard's childhood friend, and since they have met, they have never been apart from each other. Jason bent down and knelt in front of Richard.
    "We could run away together. Just you and I." Jason said, just audible over the down pour of the rain.
    Richard looked at him, his face showing a faint blush, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. He asked me to go with him, but I cannot. Even with what I have done, I have to stay here... Richard thought, struggling to decide to take the offer.
    Jason leaned towards Richard, brushing the hair from Richard's face. Richard, surprised by the act, leaned back. Jason leaned closer to Richard, and their lips pressed together. Richard closed his eyes as they continued to kiss. Jason pulled away as Richard felt a sharp, painful stab in his back. Jason stood up.
    "You did an act you shouldn't have. You disgraced us all, and now you're getting the punishment you deserve." Jason said with an enraged look as he walked away from Richard.

Richard, at home with Jason, his family, and some villagers.
A boy starts an argument with Richard. They head outside as they fight intensifies.
Anger boils up in Richard at the boy as the fight continues.
Swords clash repeatedly.
Richard’s sword hits the boy in the stomach.
The boy falls down, dead.
Richard stares; he killed innocence, one who has never gone against the village.
He and his family, disgraced by one act.
He runs, far from the house, far from the people.
He stops at a tree. He sits there as the rain starts to fall.

    Remembering this brings more tears to Richard's eyes. The pain in his back intensifies, the words Jason said take a mental blow to hi m. He falls silently to ground. The rain hitting him hard, the wind making his hair go wild. The figure of Jason is the last thing he sees before he closes his eyes.  

Personal Reflection

My story is supposed to be in a time when if you didn't follow rules you could disgrace your family. I also used my second quote, which was about disgrace with punishment and crime, in my story. This helps understand why Jason did what he did. Also with my story, my characters are in a land where same gender relationships are not looked down on. During my writing my feelings for characters changed, but I still like them.

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