Tapestry Proposal

The theme I'm doing my Tapestry on is: Disgrace

"What's the use in being a disgrace to the of wizard if they don't even pay you well for it?"
- Lucius Malfoy

"Disgrace does not consist in the punishment, but in the crime."
-Vittorio Alfieri

The first quote the word disgrace is used to show that the person is making the name "wizard" look bad. People can also use it to say that people can disgrace a great many other places and things. This is one side of disgrace since it saying that the person is a disgrace to something, so it is showing one side of my theme.

1. Mulan (movie)
2. Harry Potter
3. The Lion King 2 (movie)

The second quote disgrace is used to show that it's in the crime that disgrace falls upon a person not in the punishment. The side that this shows is that disgrace can be some act that you have done, and the punishment you receive will not disgrace you further then the act you have done. 

1. The Vampire Chronicles
2. Kingdom Hearts (game)
3. The Inheritance Cycle

1 comment:

  1. I see the two quotations as revealing (in the first quotation) the punishment for wrongdoing (being called or thought of a disgrace is punishment for some action) and (in your second quotation) that disgrace can be found (caused) in the 'crime' that has been committed. So it might be a cause and effect relationship you are looking at. A question to help you get started might be: What are the causes of disgrace and what are the effects of it?

    You may want to look at the film EASY A (based upon a famous book about disgrace called THE SCARLET LETTER by W. Hawthorne).
    Try as well "Sonnet XXIX: When, in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes" By William Shakespeare.
