Friday 27 April 2012

Social Issue

Clare Cassandra. City of Glass.Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division. 2009.
A social issue in my book is the misuse of power. The Clave is the one of the most powerful group of people within my book. They are usually good at the way that they use their power, but it changes in my book. They put Simon in jail, with no actual proof that he deserves to be in it. "There was a scraping sound, like iron dragging over stone, and Simon was thrown forward to land on his hands and knees on the hard ground."(Clare 87)After this they start to use their power to make stories that aren't true. ""Now let me tell you a story. It goes like this. The Lightwoods were once part of the Circle. At some point they recanted and were granted mercy on the grounds that they stayed out of Idris, went to New York, and ran the Institute there. Their blameless record began to win them back the trust of the Clave. But all along they knew Valentine was alive. All along they were his loyal servants. They took in his son-""(Clare 106) This is a misuse of their power because they are just using it to hide the fact that they do not want people to find out what is really happening. This is significant because it cause problems within the Clave, and also helps Valentine with his plan.

Sunday 15 April 2012


Collins, Suzanne. Mockingjay. New York: Scholastic, 2010. Print.

Many factors in "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins, are significant to the whole story. One part that is significant, would be when Prim, Katniss' sister, dies. "Trying to shout her name above the roar, I'm almost there, almost to the barricade, when I think she hears me, because for just a moment, she catches sight of me, her lips form my name. And that's when the rest of the parachutes go off." (Collins 347) This is significant in three ways. One it helps the audience understand the character's (Katniss in this case) motivation. "... I say, ' I vote yes... for Prim.'"(Collins 370) shows how Katniss' motivation in a vote, which says yes for her sister. It also helps to reveal/further our understanding of the relationship between Prim and Katniss. With her sister know gone, Katniss reveals how she feels about her sister, and the way their relation was before she died. The final significant point is that it creates irony. In the start of the series, Katniss saves Prim's live by volunteering, but in the end Prim ends up dying. I find this ironic, that even though it all started with Katniss trying to save her sister, she ends up dying anyways. Another important part in the book is the roses the President Snow gives Katniss. These roses help provide insight into the feelings Katniss and Snow have for each other. "He left me a rose!"(Collins 15) When Katniss first receives the rose she knows that it isn't a good sign. During the book Katniss says things about Snow, which usually lead to her referring to the roses Snow has. In the end when Katnis is about to kill Snow she said to put a rose on him, this will show how she felt for him, and symbol their feeling for each other. Those are the two points I chose to show some of the points which are significant to "Mockingjay".